" I wanted to wear the mantle and the pearls. I wanted to know the man who painted her like that."
This relates to the story because it shows she wants to live that lavish life. It also explains why she would eventually wear the earrings. It also introduces to the reader Griet feelings for her master.
"I knew before he did. When I saw what was needed that point of brightness he had used to catch the eye in other paintings I shivered. This will be the end, I thought I was right."
This quote explains why she left the house. It also brings a lot of things the reader was thinking to light, and let the reader know what the Griet thought about everything. It connects to the story because she always wanted to wear the pearl earrings but when she got the chance to she didn't want to.

"Now that the painting was finished he no longer wanted me."
this quote connects to the story because she had a crush on her master and somebody told her all he cared about was himself and his work. This is important to the reader because it shows what Griet was feeling and let the reader know how the master really was
"She was not going to admit to helping me get the earrings. Nor would he, I knew
this quote is important to the reader because it lets the reader know that the master and Maria Thins would let Griet take the fall for something she didn't want to be apart of. It connects to the story because it explains this scene explains the book name and why Griet did what she did